Moncton's 2015 FIFA bid gathers momentum

The momentum is growing for Moncton's bid to be one of the six regional hosts for the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, according to the executive director of Soccer New Brunswick.
Jeff Salvis, the executive director of Soccer New Brunswick, said the tournament would require some government funding, but it'll create much more economic activity.
He said the Canadian Soccer Association's bid to FIFA, which is soccer's international governing body, involves holding games in various parts of the country.
"The way that they are positioning it, is that this will be truly be a coast-to-coast competition and will involve not just a city like the Olympic competition may, it'll involve a whole country," Salvis said.
Salvis said Moncton is one of eight cities bidding to be one of six communities to host some of the 52 games during the three-week tournament.
He said he's pleased Moncton has put up $25,000 to make a proposal.
On Monday, the federal government also agreed to kick in funds.
"It's just been announced that the federal government has pledged up to $15 million to support this process, which is very, very encouraging of course," Salvis said.
Salvis said all that's left is for the provincial government to commit to a $2-million donation.
Canada has hosted other international soccer events.
Canada hosted the U-19 Women's World Cup in 2002 and the men's U-20 World Cup in 2007.
The 2007 men's event generated $43 million in taxes and $259 million in economic activity in the host communities.
Moncton council voted on Monday night to become one of the Canadian host cities for the 2015 Women's World Cup.
Salvis said with 20,000 players in New Brunswick, soccer is the most popular amateur sport.
He said bringing the top women players in the world to the province would only increase the popularity of the game.